Month: February 2009

  • Why do we do what we do?

    I thought of doing a few short posts on the why’s of agile and specifically scrum. Product owners are driven by ROI, so why should we not adopt the same attitude regarding the various “ceremonies” and practices we adopt in our day to day agile development lives… why do I do <something> and what is…

  • Retrenched?!

    Yes, it seems I’ve been retrenched, not due to the current economic crisis but I think purely because there just isn’t the interest in South Africa (Gauteng specifically) for consultant ScrumMasters, or is there? I have no idea, but based on what I was told (read: sold) I thought they were lining up like kids…

  • Anarchy anyone?

    I was thinking today, while watching a team fail miserably at planning, that we all know what we would do if asked to choose between Agile or Waterfall; but what if you had to choose between “MakeItUpAsWeGoAlongNoRules”-Agile and Waterfall. In other words, “Aspects of Agile” vs Pure Waterfall. I’d have to say I’d go for…

  • Qaulity Driven Development?

    I read an interesting post on Mike Cohn’s blog entitled A Requirements Challenge regarding a meeting he had with Tom and Kai Gilb. In short, from what I can tell, it centers around the idea that, as software engineers, we hardly ever, if ever at all, build new functions, but that we inevitably end up…

  • It’s about people…

    “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools” I’ve been thinking recently on the importance of people in this whole agile “thing” (for lack of a better word). I think people lose focus of the actual PEOPLE in a team and still focus on them as resources (some nice baggage from our waterfall days). Agile pushes…