Tag: respect

  • I’m not a child…

    Dear Manager,

    I am one of your developers, when you hired me you treated me with respect, you asked me about my skills and abilities and (I assume) hired me because of these. Please could you explain to me why, now, the respect is gone and I’m being treated like a mentally deficient child?

    If you want me continue adding value please consider the following:

    1. I am not 6 years old, stop treating me like a child.
    2. Using fear, intimidation and sarcasm to control me does not work, the more you try the more I will resist. Try a little more collaboration and a little less intimidation…
    3. If you would like me to tell the truth, don’t force me to lie by shouting at me every time I tell you the truth.
    4. Stop rejecting reality and inserting your own version of it, this is a sign of insanity.
    5. If you force me into a corner, I will lie to get out (see point 3).
    6. If you want me to be responsible, give me ownership of the problem AND the solution and stop telling me what to do by when.
    7. Stop treating me like the “bad guy” and take responsibility for your bad management decisions.
    8. I’m not giving my opinion to irritate you, I’m giving it in an attempt to add value. After all, you hired me for my expertise, right?
    9. Respect that I am a person, not a robot or a number, and that I have a life outside of work.


    A. Developer