Tag: retrenched

  • Retrenched?!

    Yes, it seems I’ve been retrenched, not due to the current economic crisis but I think purely because there just isn’t the interest in South Africa (Gauteng specifically) for consultant ScrumMasters, or is there? I have no idea, but based on what I was told (read: sold) I thought they were lining up like kids in a candy store wanting my unique services. I cannot and do not blame anyone for this, especially my (now previous) company, I would’ve done the same in their shoes. What I would’ve done differently is perhaps dished out more of the harsh truth up front, be more transparent, that there was not, in fact, a plethora of clients waiting but only one, and yes, I know I was hired for this “one client” specifically, but really, would I have taken this if I was told that there was a risk this client would pull out of the contract and that there was no-one else lined up, and that ultimately I would be retrenched if they could not find me anything? Hell no! I would’ve kept my nice secure job and waited…

    I guess lessons are learned this way, I need to be more careful in future, I was chasing a dream and totally missed the forest for the trees…