The activity on this blog has been, well, lacking of late, so I’ve decided to expand the list of contributors. This blog will become a multi-contributor blog focused (initially) around Agility in the Software Industry. With that in mind we’re adding a new contributor by the name of Nic, someone I’ve personally worked with and trust to add some good value to this blog.
Author: Rick Tonoli
Software Craftsmanship…
Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship
I think this is long in the making and something that’s sorely needed in the industry. Too many people are getting away with too much these days. People call themselves “senior developers” but don’t have a clue when it comes to writing well understood and valuable code. Too many people entering the industry are being trained by institutions whose only interest is monetary gain and couldn’t care less about creating good software craftsmen. The revolution is upon us, fight the flood of ineptness and lack of any pride that seems to have taken over our industry and sign the manifesto; then live it!
Found an interesting article on generating test data entitled Testometer – Triangle Test.
Here’s a blurb from the site to entice you to go there, give it a whirl, it’s quite good, I managed to score a 7 out of 10:
“This is probably one of the most common question in software testing interview. This problem was first introduced by Myers, who was one of the first person to treat Software Testing as a different subject all together. This test check your ability to think about generating test data in a given condition”
An (agile) environment…
Scrum often talks about “ideal development environments” (Mike Cohn has a nice blog post on this entitled The Ideal Agile Workspace, well worth the read) and this often excludes anything related to engineering (hardware, software etc.), for the obvious reason that Scrum does not profess to offer guidance on engineering practices (but clearly states they are important) but rather on “management” practices.
Anyway, to the point of this post. I have a challenge at my current job in designing a development environment (hardware/software, not physical environment) geared for agile development. I had some high level ideas:
- Somewhere to play – I figure it’s important for team members to have an area to “play” in, experiment with ideas, test theories, do proof of concept, without it impacting other teams, especially in environments where multiple teams are building toward a common project.
- Somewhere to build – teams need somewhere to actually construct things, typically this will be their own machine, together with a (decent) source repository to share and control versioning of code. Probably overlaps with their “play” environment.
- Somewhere to share – Collaborating teams are good teams (if not great teams). Encourage teams to collaborate by not only co-locating members but giving them access to tools to share information (wiki’s, blogs etc).
- Somewhere to test – Generally I believe there are four “kinds” of testing, integrated into the sprint at various points: developer testing (does my stuff work and have I broken anything), integration testing (does everything works nicely together), quality assurance testing (does everything performs at a predefined “quality” level, this should include, but not be limited to, security, performance, durability etc.) and user acceptance testing (does the product meet the requirements). Each level of testing adds an additional feeling of “warm and fuzzy” and, as such, I believe each of these environments should be clearly separated, demarcated and controlled.
- Automation – everything that is repetitive should be automated, plain and (maybe not so) simple. There is, however, a small “addendum” to this, in my opinion: The degree of risk determines the degree or automation, the higher the risk, the less the automation. Take for example releasing a product into a production environment, a simple enough task to automate, but can you risk it going pear shaped? I don’t know, am I wrong here? Perhaps this is just a trust/quality thing and if you have enough quality (and confidence) checks in place, releasing to a production environment is a trivial task that CAN be automated?
In line with the above this is what I think would make a good environment:
- Every team member has his own environment (machine) that is capable or running as much as possible of the required frameworks/tools/databases etc.
- Where something cannot reasonably be run on a team members machine (think large databases), establish a common “development” environment where a reasonable copy of the system can be run on. Set rules for working on this common environment (typically a team can sort this out amongst themselves). The team has full control of this environment. Possibly virtualize this environment so that it can be backed up/restored/recreated/duplicated easily.
- Create a shared environment where team members can collaborate ideas, a wiki and a blog are good ideas, hell, even a twitter like setup might be interesting, of course this should not be used by management to track progress!
- Create a source control environment with a high degree of stability (backups etc) and control. Define solid rules for using this system, retroactively “fixing” a source control system is a nightmare. Some good ideas for versioning/branching can be found here (specifically for CVS, but the concepts can be applied to any decent version control
- Create an integration environment that is a closer match to the production environment, automate the building of systems to this machine on a continuous basis, giving feedback to team members (via emails/web pages etc). This is the first “gate of quality” for the work being produced. This environment should be automated as much as possible (if not completely), again consider virtualizing for the same reasons as the development environment. Consider this a “sanity check” environment to make sure everyones contributions “play nicely” together. This environment can run all the testing frameworks (although consider also running on the development environment?):
- Unit testing (and test coverage testing)
- Code style checking etc.
- Create a quality assurance environment that near perfectly matches your production environment. Work is automatically “promoted” to this environment if it has succesfully passed all the integration quality requirements. Consider doing functional and non-functional tests (performance, security etc) here (although the integration environment is also a good candidate for this, but the quality assurance environment should be a closer “replica” of production, so more than likely will behave similar to it). This is where team testers will “see” the results of the team, it should be treated similar to a production environment and accorded the same level of “respect”. Members of the team that are doing the physical development must consider this environment as “production”. Remember also to “automate what you repeat” at this point, tests that are run on the system should be automated as much as possible. This is the second “gate of quality” for the work being produced
- Create a user acceptance environment where business will ultimately see and comment on work done. This is the final “gate of quality” for the work being produced. This environment should be treated EXACTLY like the production environment and code should only be “promoted” to this system, not built. After business accepts on here, the code is “release ready”. Consider automating the process of releasing code to this environment, if possible, however the types and degree of testing that needs to be run on QA in order to promote it to this environment may prevent it.
- Finally, of course, production environment… but that’s a whole different kettle of fish and I’ll leave that up to more qualified people to build 🙂
Ok, so those are my (perhaps random) thoughts on the subject. Have I left stuff out? Sure, I probably have. Will this work practically? Not sure, I think it should, I’m going to give it a try. Is it “agile enough”? Who cares, it can evolve, change. I think it can work though, with enough automation and enough discipline it should be a decent solution.
I welcome any (constructive) opinions.
Why do we do what we do?
I thought of doing a few short posts on the why’s of agile and specifically scrum. Product owners are driven by ROI, so why should we not adopt the same attitude regarding the various “ceremonies” and practices we adopt in our day to day agile development lives… why do I do <something> and what is the benefit of doing it?.
I think it’s important that people understand the rationale behind doing something (like time-boxing for example) before simply adopting it, unless, of course, you like the idea of arranged marriages 😉
Here’s a couple of starters I’ll try cover:
- Why is it important that the team decides what work should get done?
- Why do scrum “by the book” first, and then change it?
- Why do we time-box?
- Why are the roles, and the clear separation of roles, so important in scrum?
- Why have a retrospective?
- Why demo?
- Why use a physical scrum board?
- Why should the team run the scrum board?
- Why use a tool to help you run your project?
- Why the daily stand-ups?
and others …
Feel free to give me some answers, but I’m not really interested in someone else telling me the answers. This is more of a personal journey of discovery so that I myself can understand why I do what I do, and yes, the answers may not be perfect, but every great journey must start with a first step…
Yes, it seems I’ve been retrenched, not due to the current economic crisis but I think purely because there just isn’t the interest in South Africa (Gauteng specifically) for consultant ScrumMasters, or is there? I have no idea, but based on what I was told (read: sold) I thought they were lining up like kids in a candy store wanting my unique services. I cannot and do not blame anyone for this, especially my (now previous) company, I would’ve done the same in their shoes. What I would’ve done differently is perhaps dished out more of the harsh truth up front, be more transparent, that there was not, in fact, a plethora of clients waiting but only one, and yes, I know I was hired for this “one client” specifically, but really, would I have taken this if I was told that there was a risk this client would pull out of the contract and that there was no-one else lined up, and that ultimately I would be retrenched if they could not find me anything? Hell no! I would’ve kept my nice secure job and waited…
I guess lessons are learned this way, I need to be more careful in future, I was chasing a dream and totally missed the forest for the trees…
Anarchy anyone?
I was thinking today, while watching a team fail miserably at planning, that we all know what we would do if asked to choose between Agile or Waterfall; but what if you had to choose between “MakeItUpAsWeGoAlongNoRules”-Agile and Waterfall. In other words, “Aspects of Agile” vs Pure Waterfall. I’d have to say I’d go for Waterfall…
(for this next piece to work you need to understand that governments exist to control you in a coercive and violent manner)
If you lived in country that was governed by a central authority, you’d have rules in place, albeit not all pleasant, and made up by a small group of individuals, but you’d still have rules that govern everyday life. Compare this to a state of “anarchy” (the Mad Max style “no rules leather bound bike riding shotgun wielding” kind) where there are no rules, or at the most constantly contradicting rules. What would you choose? I equate Waterfall to a central authority style coercive control and “aspects of agile” as the Mad Max style anarchy. Given this choice, and for nothing more than pure “survival” (read “sanity”), I’d have to go with Waterfall!
Of course, the true nirvana is true agility, which I guess you can equate to the type of true anarchy that rejects all form of coercive control, and has a basic set of rules, related to people and interactions between people, based on universally preferable ethics.
Of course I may be way off here, but these are just my thoughts.
Qaulity Driven Development?
I read an interesting post on Mike Cohn’s blog entitled A Requirements Challenge regarding a meeting he had with Tom and Kai Gilb. In short, from what I can tell, it centers around the idea that, as software engineers, we hardly ever, if ever at all, build new functions, but that we inevitably end up improving the quality of an existing function.
I have to say that, after thinking about it for a while, I must agree, even though I tend to find it hard to wrap my mind around the concept. Essentially the idea is to move away from a developer centric design and focus on stakeholder satisfaction. What makes stakeholders happy is quality, not only function. More important than what a thing does is how well it does it. In other words you should adopt an attitude of creating “Quality Requirements” rather than just “Functional Requirements”. There’s a lot more to it of course, but that’s my understanding in a nutshell.
Read the blog, and especially the comments afterwards…
It’s about people…
“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools”
I’ve been thinking recently on the importance of people in this whole agile “thing” (for lack of a better word). I think people lose focus of the actual PEOPLE in a team and still focus on them as resources (some nice baggage from our waterfall days). Agile pushes the concept of a team thinking and working as a unit but I think it’s easy for individuals to become “lost” in this team and forgotten. Don’t get me wrong, I agree on the “team” mentality but people should also not forget about the individuals making up the team.
A simple question, as a “leader” of a team (ScrumMaster etc..) when last have you actually tried to find out if everyone is still “happy”? When last have you interacted with the person as a person and not a resource? I think, to some degree, personal interaction is important. Take a ScrumMaster for example; one of the key things they should be doing is “removing impediments”; often people think of these as purely work centric issues but what if they’re not? What if a team member is experiencing personal issues? This will definitely have an effect on the velocity of the project so why should you not try to help (or at least be aware of it)?
I guess what I’m saying is do not depersonalize the team, reducing them to “agile resources”; make people feel like they’re not only part of a team, but that they’re an indispensable individual within that team…
A new challenge…
Today is my 3rd day as an official ScrumMaster. Although the first 2 days were, well, daunting at best, today there seems to be a bit more clarity. The challenges here are similar, but still different. Resistance to adoption is coming from a different place this time. The teams seem to want to do Scrum (at least it appears that way), although there is ALOT of area for improvement. There is some frustration from management and this is starting to flow over into the teams and cause people to disbelieve the effectiveness of an agile approach (I guess it’s a classis “blame the tool” scenario). I think the frustration comes from the misdirection that exists in the way the teams are applying Scrum. Off the top of my head and based on a few days of observation the following are big issues that need to be addressed:
- There is no visible prioritized product backlog with no obvious release plan (I believe this is where the main frustration comes from)
- The teams have no burn down charts, they seem to be relying on the tool (Version One) for this, but without the discipline of keeping it up to date, it’s not really useful. Another reason why I don’t really like tools, people place too much reliance on it and fail to realize that it’s not using the tool that’s important but rather that something actually gets done.
- There is a need (and lack of) a Scrum of Scrums to co-ordinate the effort between the teams.
- The daily stand-ups are not focused co-ordination meetings and often break down into general discussions, sometimes “chickens” even take control of the show.
- The impediment lists aren’t being managed (and aren’t prioritized)
There are other smaller places of possible improvement, but we will need to fix the larger issues first.
Overall I’m a mixture of excited, confused and nervous about the next few days. Where I had the advantage of already having earned the respect of the previous companies team I now find myself sitting with the the daunting task of having to re-earn respect. I do not believe in telling people what to do but rather in having them do things because they feel it is the right thing to do, for that to happen people have to respect you and your opinion and believe in you. Until that comes I will fall back to process and hopefully the respect will come when my opinion creates value for the team(s).
Let’s see how things go…