Author: Rick Tonoli

  • Car Pi (hardware)

    To keep the post (reasonably) short I’ll break it into 2 pieces, mostly hardware related and mostly software related, and apologies for lack of additional pictures, will add them when I pull the unit out to work on it again (probably this weekend) The idea of having a touch screen in your car has always…

  • Dual relay control over WiFi for $6 ?

    I’m a great fan of the ESP8266 boards, having several running with various sensors. I also enjoy the idea of home automation but have never liked the idea of paying so much for the off the shelf hardware. That all changes when I found this: Wifi IoT Relay Board Based on ESP8266 You can read…

  • Solving the problem of forgetting to take back library books, and having fun doing it…

    Problem With access to 4 library cards, each with 30 book capacity, that’s a whopping 120 books we can take out. The current “reminder” system from our local library involves emailing you 2 days before it’s due, and then 1 week AFTER it’s due (and you’ve picked up fines). We’re currently sitting at around $20…

  • Pi in a box

    I’ve had this long running obsession to create a neat enclosure for the Raspberry Pi’s I have, mainly because they lie around all over the place. My first attempt involved using an old drive case (with built in fan) that ended up looking something like this (open): Which worked pretty well, but then I then…

  • Passwordless SSH between two machines using certificates

    I’ve been meaning to post this somewhere useful for a while now, so here it is. Assumption Machine A wants to connect with SSH without passwords (with cert) to Machine B Method On Machine A: [bash] ssh-keygen [/bash] Make sure you pick no pass phrase. [bash] scp .ssh/ user@machineb:.ssh/id_rsa.tmp [/bash] On Machine B: [bash] cat id_rsa.tmp >>…

  • Unable to browse network shares on Windows 8

    Again a small side note for anyone experiencing this problem, accessing network shares on windows 8 with elevated privileges seems to be disabled in Windows 8 (not sure about 8.1?), to get around this problem make the following registry changes: Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System Create a new DWORD entry with the name EnableLinkedConnections and value 1. Restart your computer You should now be…

  • Errors when running large numbers of unit tests via mstest on a windows server (just a note really)

    This is really just a note for future reference and to help anyone else experiencing this issue: C# projects with hundreds of unit tests (more than a thousand or so) having unit tests failing randomly with the following error: The system could not find the environment option that was entered or Not enough storage is…

  • Accuracy and Precision

    Today I got asked what I thought was the difference between accuracy and precision as it pertains to relative estimation, I wasn’t ready for the question though and it’s been sitting on my mind bugging me so here are my thoughts: I would think accuracy would be how close the estimation was to the truth…

  • Continuous Improvement

    Thinking about continuous improvement the other day I tried to figure out what makes a continuous improvement process work and what makes it stick, these are my thoughts: It should be a slow, gradual process of change, no “sudden movements”. It should be a continuous flow of change, no settling down into a rut. It…

  • Emailing attachments directly to a Dropbox folder…

    I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now, wanting to email attachments to my Dropbox account into a specific folder. There are lots of canned solutions to do this, but most of them require you to trust some third party with your documents. If you’re ok with that check out this post. I…