Tag: code

  • Solving the problem of forgetting to take back library books, and having fun doing it…

    Problem With access to 4 library cards, each with 30 book capacity, that’s a whopping 120 books we can take out. The current “reminder” system from our local library involves emailing you 2 days before it’s due, and then 1 week AFTER it’s due (and you’ve picked up fines). We’re currently sitting at around $20…

  • Emailing attachments directly to a Dropbox folder…

    I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now, wanting to email attachments to my Dropbox account into a specific folder. There are lots of canned solutions to do this, but most of them require you to trust some third party with your documents. If you’re ok with that check out this post. I…

  • What is code quality ?

    So starting the new jobs has given me the opportunity to take a fresh look at software and how it should be approached. One of the questions that I have been pondering on alot is “What is code quality ?”  Is it code that’s well documented ? Is it code that follows some sort of…

  • Software Craftsmanship…

    Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship I think this is long in the making and something that’s sorely needed in the industry. Too many people are getting away with too much these days. People call themselves “senior developers” but don’t have a clue when it comes to writing well understood and valuable code. Too many people entering…