Tag: retrospective

  • Continuous Improvement

    Thinking about continuous improvement the other day I tried to figure out what makes a continuous improvement process work and what makes it stick, these are my thoughts: It should be a slow, gradual process of change, no “sudden movements”. It should be a continuous flow of change, no settling down into a rut. It…

  • Thoughts on the Sprint…

    After completing the first sprint since the training I feel I need to have sort of retrospective for myself on how I handled it. What I did well Always difficult to toot your own horn, but here goes: I believe I explained the process reasonably well to anyone that asked. The (improvised) Scrum Board I…

  • Retrospective

    Ran the first retrospective today, the team seemed a bit apprehensive but eventually started talking, but only after alot of coaxing, which for me bordered on interfering again, but what else could be done? I explained the point behind a retrospective, to see what we did well, and where we could improve; I tried to…