Tag: server

  • Passwordless SSH between two machines using certificates

    I’ve been meaning to post this somewhere useful for a while now, so here it is. Assumption Machine A wants to connect with SSH without passwords (with cert) to Machine B Method On Machine A: [bash] ssh-keygen [/bash] Make sure you pick no pass phrase. [bash] scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@machineb:.ssh/id_rsa.tmp [/bash] On Machine B: [bash] cat id_rsa.tmp >>…

  • Emailing attachments directly to a Dropbox folder…

    I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now, wanting to email attachments to my Dropbox account into a specific folder. There are lots of canned solutions to do this, but most of them require you to trust some third party with your documents. If you’re ok with that check out this post. I…