First day back at work…

The first day back at work after the course was surprisingly interesting. Several people were extremely curious about the CSM course (this is good) and wanted to know more. I ended up explaining what we were doing wrong (to the best of my knowledge) and what I believed (or was told to believe?) was the best way to do it (for now I’ll follow the principle of doing it by the book first, I think it’s the best approach especially from a junior in the field). I was surprised at the level of interest from people, this will help in the change we need to make in the place. I ran it through my manager and as predicted he was eager for my “proposal”, which I will now start working on. I think I’m going to take for following approach:

  • Phase 1 – Understand the current way we work by mingling with the existing “teams” during their work day and scrum meetings and trying to get a feel of what they’re up to.
  • Phase 2 – Document the above.
  • Phase 3 – Not sure, we’ll see what happens after 1 & 2 I guess…


2 responses to “First day back at work…”

  1. – for phase 1 use the retrospective.
    – document it by doing pictures from the flipcharts
    – Start!!!!!! Change – you do have now the interest – use it! Do a better Daily Scrum, run a Sprint Planning 1 properly.

  2. Thanks for this, I think I managed to do a decent sprint planning 1 and 2, based on the results. The daily scrum I will improve on based on your training and the black book. I am struggling though to get the team to communicate and to feel comfortable and to relax. I think this is because of how they’re used to working (bad) and I think this will only change over time, once they realize one successful sprint it might happen.

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