Month: September 2009

  • What is code quality ?

    So starting the new jobs has given me the opportunity to take a fresh look at software and how it should be approached. One of the questions that I have been pondering on alot is “What is code quality ?”  Is it code that’s well documented ? Is it code that follows some sort of…

  • But haven’t we always been working this way?

    When I was a kid I had a Commodore 64 with a cassette player, awesome little machine with cool games! I decided I had to write my own game, this is where it all started some 25 odd years ago. I decided I would write a “maze-like” game where an “avatar” would navigate through a…

  • Interviews

    Having recently been on a round of interviews looking for that ideal job I thought I’d write down some of my thoughts on the whole process of interviewing the interviewer, or, knowing what you’re getting yourself into! As a start let me first say that the word interview, in my opinion, is not the correct…