Tag: fail

  • I’m not a child…

    Dear Manager, I am one of your developers, when you hired me you treated me with respect, you asked me about my skills and abilities and (I assume) hired me because of these. Please could you explain to me why, now, the respect is gone and I’m being treated like a mentally deficient child? If…

  • Are you really Agile?

    I found this interesting article by James Shore:The Decline and Fall of Agile which essentially talks along the subject of people claiming to be “agile” but are not really and having this potentially destroying the true “agile” drive. People should be careful that they don’t just grab at buzzwords and ideas without realizing what they’re…

  • How not to run a daily scrum…

    Boris has a particularly interesting and funny video on his blog post: 5 min on Scrum | The 4. Question in a Daily Scrum showing how NOT to run a Daily Scrum. I found it particulary amusing because of the similartities between it and our own Daily Scrums. I highly recommend viewing it.

  • Silos

    Someone told me something interesting the other day…”Silo’s destroy Scrum”, which I found interesting but never fully understood the impact until today. We’re approaching the end of our sprint and only one of the stories has been completed, a severe bottleneck was building up with the test work and when the team approached the “tester”…