Tag: scrum master

  • Thoughts on the Sprint…

    After completing the first sprint since the training I feel I need to have sort of retrospective for myself on how I handled it. What I did well Always difficult to toot your own horn, but here goes: I believe I explained the process reasonably well to anyone that asked. The (improvised) Scrum Board I…

  • Tools…

    Ok, first of all I’m a strong advocate of NOT using tools and applications to run Scrum, and that Scrum is about people, communication, visibility and transparency and that the best way to achieve this is to scream it out to the world on a nice white board, after all, you should have nothing to…

  • Too involved….

    Without realizing it I’ve become too involved in the team, almost interfering in the Daily Scrums I suppose. It’s difficult coming from a technical background not to want to interject and comment on what people are saying. How do you approach the scenario where you have information that may be of value to the team…

  • ScrumMaster and Parenting

    Today I sat watching my daughter sleeping and thought about just how similar the role of ScrumMaster is to that of (what I consider proper) parenting, more so from a father’s point of view. A team is like a child, you don’t interfere with their exploration and understanding of the project but rather give guidance,…

  • The CSM Course

    The Certified ScrumMaster course in itself was extremely interesting and I’d recommend it to anyone who can get to it. It was also extremely difficult to find in South Africa but I finally stumbled on a course given by Boris Gloger (hosted by Peter Hundermark) and managed to get into it. If you’re thinking of…